viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2012

RoCkEt 1

218x58 cm.
Biaxial Carbon Pro Construction.

RoCkEt 2

217x55,5 cm
5,7 kg.
Biaxial Glass -Kevlar construction

martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012


This time I've been playing with the same vinyl I used for the new logo stickers made with glossy silver flakes.

lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

New Graphics

Recently ending up some new boards and trying a few challenges about decos.
I can figure the result out.

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012

SUP 9'3'' X 30'' 125 L.

New SUP recently finished from KF factory.
It's the new prototype made in full sandwich and laminated 70% in Kevlar and 30% biaxial carbon.
Double sandwich in the footpad.
It has a custom handle made in carbon and it has very good gripping and it's easily lifted with one arm.
It has two plugs for leashes and 2 FCS plugs in order to use go-pro cam. 
It's 6,1 kg raw and 6,8 kg with pad.

Resistance test:
