lunes, 25 de diciembre de 2017

New Side-On

219x56 cm 77l
New Side-On Short
Biaxial Glass & Carbon Construction
5.800 gr

domingo, 17 de diciembre de 2017


228X61,5 cm 95l
Pure Side
Biaxial Textrem Carbon & Innegra Construction
Carbon Nanotubes
Light - Pro Construction
Bio Resin Super SAP
5.725 gr

sábado, 9 de diciembre de 2017

Free Wave

228x62 cm 92l
Free Wave Compact
S Glass & Carbon Construction
Bio Resin Super SAP
6.050 gr

domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2017


233x62 cm 88l
Biaxial Glass & Carbon Construction
Bio Resin Epoxy Super SAP
6.500 gr

lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

New SUPs

7'7''x 27 1/2'
Bio Resin Epoxy SUPER SAP
5.225 gr
FCS Fusion 5 boxes
2 positions rear fins
FCS Handle with Goretex valve
Insert GoPro cam

7'10''''x 28 1/2'
Bio Resin Epoxy SUPER SAP
6.050 gr
Future fins 5 boxes
FCS Handle with Goretex valve
Insert GoPro cam

7'10''''x 28 1/2'
104 l
Bio Resin Epoxy SUPER SAP
6.050 gr
FCS Fusion
FCS Handle with Goretex valve
Insert GoPro cam

8'1''x 29 1/4'
110 l
Bio Resin Epoxy SUPER SAP
6.550 gr
Future Fins 5 boxes
FCS Handle with Goretex valve
Insert GoPro cam

viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017


214x59 cm 83l
New Rocket
Biaxial Glass & Innegra Construction
Double Sandwich on deck
Bio Resins Super SAP
6.200 gr

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2017

The Future

Estamos trabajando en un nuevo tipo de construcción experimental que nos permite ahorrar un kilo de peso en una tabla de 85 litros. Eso significa un 20% más ligero de lo normal, manteniendo la misma dureza y durabilidad que antes. Hemos elegido los mejores materiales a nuestra disposición en el mercado, e incluso el proceso de construcción es más largo y complicado. Necesitamos al menos un año para probar bien el producto y asegurarnos que no va a dar problemas posteriores inesperados.
Estén atentos.

We are working in a new experimental type of construction which allows us to safe about one kilo in a 85 liters board. That means about 20 % lighter than usual, keeping the same stiffness and durability than before. We have chosen the best materials available in the market and also, the process of construction is much more longer and complicated. We need one year to test it correctly and know is not going to give unexpected problems ahead in the future. So, keep tuned.

New Boards

221x53,5 cm 70l
New Hybrid
Biaxial Glass Construction
Bio Resin Super SAP
5.900 gr

214x60 cm 86l
New Rocket
Biaxial Carbon & Innegra
Bio Resin Super SAP
5.175 gr

sábado, 7 de octubre de 2017

New Boards E62

223x58,5 cm 88l
New Side-On
Biaxial Glass & Innegra Construction
6.150 gr
Bio Resin Epoxy Super SAP

214x57 cm 77l
New Rocket
Biaxial Glass & Carbon Construction
5.600 gr
Bio Resin Epoxy Super SAP

jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

New boards

214 x 58,5 cm 80l
New Rocket
Innegra & Biaxial Glass Construction
6.050 gr
Bio Resin Super SAP

219 x 58 cm 84 l
New Hybrid
Biaxial Glass Construction
6.150 gr
Bio Resin Super SAP

227 x 58 cm 89l
New Hybrid
Innegra & Biaxial Glass Construction
Double Sandwich Deck
Bio Resin Super SAP

miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2017

Gran Canaria - 3rd Bunker

martes, 8 de agosto de 2017

new boards

222x59 cm 92l
New Side-On
Biaxial Glass & Innegra Construction
Double Sandwich Deck
6.475 gr
Bio Resin Super SAP Epoxy

8'2''x29'1/4''x4'' 110 l
Carbon Deck Construction
Bio Resin Super SAP Epoxy
6.300 gr

martes, 25 de julio de 2017

224 x 61 cm 95l
Biaxial Glass & Innegra Construction
6.350 gr
Epoxy Super SAP Bio Resin

lunes, 24 de julio de 2017

222 x 59 cm 88l
New Side On (off)
Biaxial Glass & Innegra Construction
6.125 gr.

220 x 58 cm 83.
New Hybrid (modified)
Biaxial Glass @ Innegra Construction
6.200 gr.
Epoxy Super SAP Bio Resin

domingo, 23 de julio de 2017


222 x 58 cm 82l.
New Hybrid
Biaxial Glass and Innegra Construction
Super SAP BIO Resin
6.150 gr.

domingo, 25 de junio de 2017

Hangar 37

231x60,5 cm 92l
Biaxial Carbon & Glass Construction
6.200 gr

martes, 13 de junio de 2017

New Boards

214 x 63 cm
New Rocket
Biaxial Glass & Innegra Construction
6.225 gr

213 x 60 cm
New Hybrid
Biaxial Glass & Innegra Construction
4 mm sandwich on deck
6.700 gr

domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017


233x62 cm 88l
Biaxial Carbon & Innegra Construction
6.300 gr.

domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017


221x57,5 cm 84l
New Hybrid
Basic Construction
Glass & Carbon
5.900 gr

223x58 cm 86l
New Side-On
Biaxial Glass and Innegra Construction

232x65,5 cm 110l
Biaxial Carbon Construction
Mast and Fin Carbon Box
6.700 gr

martes, 21 de marzo de 2017

SUPing time

8'4''x29 1/2''x4 1/8''
Biaxial Glass and sandwich on deck
deep mono concave
5 fins set / future system
FCS pads and handle
Goretex valve
7.000 gr without pad
7.400 gr with pad

8'1'' x 311/2''x4 1/4''
128 l.
Full Carbon deck
V double concave
5 fins set / future system
FCS pads and handle
Goretex valve
6.325 gr without pad
7.125 gr with pad

7'10'' x 28 1/2'' x 3 7/8''
104 l.
Full Carbon deck
5 fins set / future system
FCS pads and Ocean Earth
FCS handle
Goretex valve
5.700 gr without pad
6.050 gr with pad

8'0''x 30 1/4'' x 4 1/4''
Full Carbon deck
V double concave
Quad fin set / FCS Fusion
FCS pads and handle
Goretex valve
6.250 gr without pad
6.850 gr with pad

martes, 14 de marzo de 2017

Nuevas tablas /New Boards

211x55 cm. 68l.
New Rocket
Glass & Carbon Construction
5.350 gr.

214x58 cm. 77l.
New Rocket
Glass & Carbon Construction
6.300 gr.

216x60,5 cm. 86l.
New Rocket
Glass & Carbon Construction
6.200 gr.

lunes, 16 de enero de 2017

nuevas tablas / new boards

New Side-On
220x58,5 cm 92l
Biaxial Glass & Carbon Construction
6.150 gr

New Side-On
219x56 cm 77
Biaxial Glass & Carbon Construction
5.900 gr